What do you need, mama?

Uncategorized May 31, 2023

First, I want to share with you what Karindy had to say after we wrapped up our coaching:


I recommend the clarity and actionable systems that Laura provides. She gives such real advice that will actually make your life easier and build back time into your day to enjoy your kiddos, husband, and personal interests, and time to be creative and give back to others. 


Real-life example: my hubby and I could not agree over ways to organize the clothes for our kids and their toys. She helped us figure out a system of bins and baskets to make things easy to find (and, most important, easy to put BACK!) to make our lives easier. The key was to make it doable for us, not what might be doable in a magazine.


I love this because she’s SO right that we are here for real life… not for magazine (or even Instagram influencer) life! 


Do you want a clean and restful house, but really aren't sure where to start?


Do you and your spouse each want set-aside alone time to rejuvenate?


Would it help you to have a custom plan in place for your unique family?


Let me tell you, Mama, you aren't alone in wanting and needing these things! And I’m here to help you sort them out for YOU, specifically and personally. This isn’t a blanket fix. Yes, there are pillars within the system that work for most everyone, but there are also nuances to every family and we take those into account.


That's why I'm here to help you. If you're interested in personalized systems for your family, please set up a free consultation call with me! I’d love to get to know you and to see how I can best help.


With hope,




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