The only way out is through.

Uncategorized Sep 26, 2023

I am no stranger to counseling. Being an Enneagram 3, I have learned that the problems and issues that arise in my life are ones that I see as challenging, and I want to check off the healing process. Sadly, it is never that easy, and I have learned that the only way out is through. Wanting something to change usually takes time and so much work. 


You might ask yourself, “Why is this systems lady trying to help me with my personal life? “  


Well, Mama, that is such a great question. Through my years of coaching mamas with systems, there is always so much more than getting a chore chart, a meal plan, or a schedule in place. There is often boundary work, marriage work, trauma healing, or family of origin work that needs to be done. 


Today, in this little moment of checking your email. 

I want to remind you that doing the work is not only good for you, it is necessary. It is essential to be a better woman and love your children deeply and intentionally for a better marriage.  I know you are already a fantastic mom and a badass lady in every other aspect. But all those burdens weigh you down, whether you realize it or not. 


Whatever comes to mind right now, I encourage you to do something about it. Make the call to the counselor, coach, or friend. Find a podcast that will move you forward (May I recommend Beyond Bitchy?) Work on moving through the inconvenience, the uncomfortable, and the grief. You will only be better because of it.  


Mama, if you need a friend and a little encouragement to move forward, reach out. That's why I am here. 



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