Is it time for a meal plan makeover?

Uncategorized Oct 24, 2023

Hey Mama,


I am curious how you plan your meals. Do you plan a month or week ahead? Do you have rotating staples or like to try new ideas? Do you fly by the seat of your pants every day? Are you a “Sunday-meal-prep-day” Mama? Do you tend towards crockpot meals on certain days of the week? Is Friday night always pizza night?


Most of us have some sort of system in place… even if it’s a season full of take-out and drive-thrus! 


Have you evaluated your system recently? Is it working for you and for your family?


I will start right now by saying that I know this can be an overwhelming thing. Meal planning can feel daunting and exhausting before you even get started! But I also know that having a plan for feeding your people is ALSO a really important form of self-care.


If you have been hanging around Mama Systems for a while, you might have seen that I love to plan our meals by theme. We start this process by having the category nailed down, but I can be as simple or creative with that knowing what our week looks like. 


So here’s an example of what our week looks like


Monday — Instapot meal (typically a chicken dish),

Tuesday — Taco Night, obviously! (We live in Texas, so this is just any version of Mexican food for us)

Wednesday — Date Night with Breakfast-for-Dinner Night for the kids (yes, this can mean cereal for dinner!)

Thursday — Soup and/or Sandwiches 

Friday — Take out or Pizza Night

Saturday — Kids Pick (which means our kids get to choose what we are eating.  

Sunday — Leftovers!


There are a million other ideas you could use here: Sheet-Pan Dinner, Casserole, Freezer Meal, Salads, Stove Top, New Recipe, Meat and Three, Meatless Meal, etc! The sky is the limit, and I’d love to hear your ideas.


If you want to become an efficient Meal Mama, if you need a little more guidance, here is a free workshop to help get you there. 


Let me know how I can serve you, Mama! 




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