Has screen time become a constant battle in your home? this may help.

Uncategorized Oct 10, 2023


Do you remember last week how I shared that my children could be better about monitoring themselves on devices? They always think they know better. They believe that screen time does not affect them and that they can hop off when they have had enough. As parents, we know better.

Left to their own devices, our children would be glued to their screens non-stop, and we also know this does them no favors. The more they are on, the more entitled and rotten they become. 

This crisis we foresaw in our kids is where the Ticket system was born. We saw a direct correlation between our kid's screen intake and the ensuing entitlement. Like us, you probably do not want your children to think that they deserve whatever they want, whenever they want. 


While I am sure that this system has its flaws, it is hard for me to name any. This system, like life, requires you to earn privileges and rewards. So to be able to play 30 minutes of Xbox, they need to have five tickets to turn in, and to get these tickets they must earn those from doing jobs around the home. 


Here is what conversations used to look like: 


Child: Can I play Xbox?

Parent: Not right now.

Child: WHYYYY?? Followed by a tantrum and mounds of whining. 


NOW >>>


Child: Can I play Xbox?

Parent: Do you have tickets?

Child: No. 

Parent: Then no, you can’t. If you would like to earn tickets, we can talk about it. 


The child then either walks away or asks for ticket jobs. This system has not only lessened the entitlement and whining but has also increased the work ethic. As with all Mama Systems’ systems, this is completely customizable, and you can tailor it to fit your family and your children’s personalities. 


This week, I wanted to make it 100% accessible to you at a very low price. I want you to have less entitlement, less whining, and a better work ethic from your people. Over the next two days, you can get the ticket system for the low price of $9. I have never made it this low, but this week, for you, it is happening.  


You need this. Your family needs this. 


I cannot wait to hear how it blesses your life because it will. Sign up today and get that screen time under control. 


I am here for you, Mama! 



If you need a family overhaul, not just with screens, I would love to serve you in that way.

Schedule a call now! 




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