Have you booked everything for summer?

Uncategorized Jun 20, 2023

Sometimes I feel that springtime is simply an avenue to get to the summer. I love everything about the spring The flowers the baby animals are freshly hatched chicks the cool weather and all the green trees and grass. Every detail makes me want to smile. However, I feel recently that springtime has just become a space for hustling to figure out summer plants. And I'm wondering how you're doing with that.


I for sure desire for us to spend time in the moment and enjoy our spring and all the festivities that are involved but I also want planning for summer not to become an overwhelming feat that we can not seem to make progress in.


As you're planning your summer would like to share this little acronym with you that will help you purposely and intentionally create a plan. This little freeform framework will help you ENJOY your summer and your people.


Evaluate what you did last summer

Note the things you want to do, what are you okay with and not, brain dump it all

Jot down with kids what they want who they want to see what they want to do

Order plan your time, get things on the calendar, and create a rhythm for your days

You matter, intentionally take care of yourself this summer. 


It doesn't need to be a family bucket list and it doesn't need to be a hundred goals. It's just a simple focused looking at your summer and saying, what do I want it to feel like? What do I want it to look like for our family? And you will reap the benefits of it.


If you need help with creating more intention around your summer, you know I have something for you! Our Summer Course will walk you through exactly how to set your summer up for success. We will create a plan for you to get things done and one where you can be intentional with your people. It is simple to implement. 


At the end of the summer, it will not feel like a wasted two months and I want that for you! Sign up for this course. It is priced less than a family dinner out and will bring so much life to you and your family! 


Remember you are not a cruise ship director! 



Sign up for the Summer Survival Course now! 




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