


have an FASD

What is this all about?

Adoptive mamas have so much on their plate. There are new and numerous logistics to juggle, intense emotions, strong outside opinions, interrupted routines, and an everpresent feeling of the unknown.

And that's for mamas of typically developing children.

For the mamas with adopted children who don't fit the mold, appear to be developing normally then severely backtrack, don't form attachments, act out or rage, or any number of puzzling to alarming characteristics... these are the mamas I'm talking to.

If your precious adopted child may have hidden (or now identified) special needs, I am here for you.

Did you know??

According to the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS) estimates:

  • 1/20 people have FASD.
  • Up to 80% of children with FASD do not stay with their birth families.   
  • Almost 70% of children in foster care are affected by FASD. 

These children most likely spend more time in Foster Care. 

They are often misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. 

Educate Yourself


Parenting Tools


HelpfulĀ Interventions


Building a Case Will

Help with a Diagnosis.

Finding a doctor with the knowledge and willingness to diagnose someone on the spectrum is incredibly difficult. So the more information you have in your pocket - evaluations from PT, OT, Speech, IEP, neuropsych, etc. - will help strengthen your case. 

Don't give up if the first doctor doesn't mention it, dismisses it, or even laughs at you. Trust your gut, mama. 

Our Story

My husband Tony, and I  have ten children, three of whom have been adopted from foster care. Despite the safety and care, we provided they never seemed to “catch up” developmentally and intellectually, as we were told would happen in so many books. After years of specialists, we learned of the great brain damage that was caused by alcohol in utero. This is our story of grief, acceptance, continual trials, and wanting to support others.